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GenXSolutions offers full range of business broadband products including FTTP, FTTC, SOGEA & Leased line.

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GenXSolutions delivers a leading range of Internet connectivity and network services in the UK. We have one of the most flexible networks in the industry, ensuring fast, reliable access for Internet, cloud services and VoIP telephony at all times.


With monitoring and usage stats, QoS, network security, advanced line management and automated router provisioning available with every service, our connectivity portfolio is designed to reduce administration and increase productivity.


GenXSolutions partners with the major UK network operators to provide a genuine choice of connectivity options from ADSL to 10Gbps Ethernet. Our range of WAN services and data centre co-location provides a robust, high-performance platform that can be optimised for each client’s business applications. We work with an extensive network of reseller partners and affiliates, offering an integrated portfolio of products and services in a competitive and fast moving industry.

Key features of our Broadband solutions

Unmetered data usage available

Single/Multiple Static IP’s, Dynamic IP

Business Grade Service

UK-based Support and customer service

Choice of the UK’s leading carriers

Enhanced Care Levels – 8 or 20 hour SLA

Elevated throughput for low contention ratio so your activities are less likely to be affected by other users

Quality of Service

Broadband Solutions

Broadband is a service that enables a customer to connect to the internet over fixed infrastructure in the ground.

We offer a range of broadband solutions, suitable for businesses of every shape and size. Broadband is an asynchronous service, meaning that the download speed is greater than the upload speed. It is an always-on, reliable and cost-efficient service. We offer a full suite of Fibre Broadband products including Fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC), Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) and G.fast, as well as ADSL Broadband.

Fibre-to-the-Cabinet (FTTC) Superfast Fibre Broadband:
  • Delivered using Fibre to the green road side cabinet and then a short copper line to the premises.
  • Up to 80Mbps download, 20 Mbps upload
  • Speed is governed by the quality and length of the copper line
  • Cost effective, and Ideal if you need the extra speed, reliability and low latency that real-time applications demand
Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) Ultrafast Full-Fibre Broadband:
  • An all fibre connection from exchange to the premises
  • Up to 330 Mbps download, 50 Mbps upload
  • Speed is governed by splitter rates and equipment configuration, no speed loss over distance
  • Unlike ADSL/FTTC technology; no line rental is required
G.Fast Ultrafast Fibre Broadband:
  • Is a faster form of FTTC, delivered using Fibre to the green road side cabinet and then a short copper line to the premises
  • G.Fast technology in the street cabinet provides greater download speeds (up to 330Mbps) and upload speeds (up to 50Mbps) than FTTC
  • Speed is governed by the quality and length of the copper line
ADSL Broadband:
  • Delivered using a copper line between the exchange and the customer’s premises
  • Download speed up to 24Mbps, upload speed of up to 2.4Mbps
  • Speed is governed by the quality and length of the copper line

Leased line

With our leased line service, you get a dedicated internet line and don’t share your bandwidth with anyone else. So you get exceptional speeds – with ultra-low latency – that never, ever slow down.

Ethernet leased lines offer the highest bandwidth and reliability for businesses using hosted services, VoIP, wide area networks and the Internet. Leased lines connect you to the Internet via a dedicated optical fibre and are available nationwide with a range of contract options (subject to survey).

With speeds from 10Mbps to 10Gbps available nationwide, Ethernet leased lines provides the following benefits over alternate solutions:

  • Symmetric bandwidth up to 10Gbps
  • Choice of bandwidth over bearer circuits
  • Lowest possible latency to your hosted services, wide area network and Internet
  • Flexible upgrade options for when your needs change

Great for your business

Connectivity from GenXSolutions is fast, reliable and secure
Contact us today to find out available broadband options.

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